


During the process of creation of the game I developed lots of skills to help my team. Some of the skills I learnt to help the team was texturing which allowed me to make better and higher quality models to add more realism to the game. During the progress I also learned new skills in 3d modelling as I do not make many 3d models, but I was happy with all the models that I created.


One of the main things that I learned was how to create level sequences and cutscenes inside of unreal and how to combine multiple techniques together to create a cutscene which allows to convey a story and looks visual pleasing to look at.

Another thing I have learned is how to work in a team as mist of the products I have work on in the past have all been on my own but with this opportunity I have learned to respect other members of the team and how to get along with them.

If the project was to be completed again then I believe that the team dynamic wouldn’t change to much as I feel the team worked well together. The modelling process that the team came up with worked well with the time that we had and was very easy to work around with other assignments that we had to do.

However, If I was to improve the process that we made I would add stricter deadlines to the assignments that are given to people so the work wouldn’t be late. I believed that a certain few people took advantage of the time frame and didn’t complete the work until last minute which affected some of the processes and made other team members must cut content such as extra levels and a trailer for the game.

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