Team managment:
We chose Max to be the team leader and organiser right from the start of the project. because he is the sharpest and best at organising. In order for the team to know what needed to be done and how much time they had to complete it, we set up a gantt chart and a trello board.
We communicated using apps like Discord and had in-person meetings to go over all we needed to do and check our schedules. We also take a look at each person’s primary skills. When asked if they were comfortable with the tasks they were performing, everyone said they were.
After a few weeks of development, we would hold a brief meeting to check on everyone’s progress. If somebody wasn’t keeping up, we would ask them if they needed assistance or if anything else could be done to make things easier on them and free up work for others.
We learned a lot more about team collaboration and how to properly organise it throughout the course of the project. When the development process first began, we had trouble getting everyone to work on the project at once. One method we resolved this problem was by scheduling different times for people to work on the project. For instance, the 3D modellers would work on the project and upload their models so that the level designers could go on and edit and adjust what they had posted later. Another fix that we did was giving everyone their own levels so that the 3D modelers could upolaod there works to their own levels and the coder can do all the machanics in his own level.
What went well:
Overall, there was good team communication and attendance from the members who needed to be there. Even though the original concept for the product was altered, we still managed to create a complete, solid, and enjoyable final product that met the requirements.
The story is simple to follow, and by using cutscenes, we were able to tie its disparate parts together and present a compelling narrative.
What could have been improved:
Despite having good group communication. We had trouble getting people on the project and keeping track of who was working on it when at the beginning because we didn’t fully understand the communication component until we were developing our product.
I also believe that the plot should have been developed much earlier in the development process so that we could tell the 3D modellers what clues we required knowing what the tale was rather than having them create some models and then determine the story later.