Inside environment:
To create my inside environment I started with creating a simple box and used Unreal enginsdefault building blocks help block out my environment. I did this so I could get a sense of scale for the environment and to help start story boarding for what I wanted the final product to look like. I used my concepts to help design my environment and went for a Victorian look for the furniture and the rest of the room.
I began by building a basic box and then used simple assets to help block out my environment in order to create my interior environment. I did this to assist me begin blocking out for the final product and to help me get a feeling of scale for the surroundings. I applied my ideas to design my surroundings, settling on a Victorian aesthetic for the furnishings and the rest of the space.
To populate the environment I used assets from quixel bridge. using quixel allows me to drag and drop 3D assets into the scene quick and easily. I also used a few assets from sketch fab like the clock as quixel was very limiting on the amount of assets that why had so I used other sites to collect assets for the environment. Given that the original novel was written in 1886 and my desire to reference that era, I wanted the inside environment to look authentic and victorian. The viewer will feel disconnected and think that the inside environment is real and the outside environment is imaginary if the inside and outside environments appear to be from two different worlds. I also wanted my interior environment to look fantastic in comparison to the exterior environment.
Outside Environment:
For the outside enviroment i proceeded to take the same steps that i used to create the inside enviroemnt. I began by using the fundamental building blocks offered by Unreal. I began by arranging the walls in a “U” shape to accommodate the viewer’s surroundings.
After correctly positioning the camera and determining the scale of the items, I incorporated several models from Quixel of an outdoor, mossy environment. In order to reproduce the tea party atmosphere, I used stone mossy walls all around the player and placed a table in the centre. I added structures to the end of the environment to make it appear larger than it actually was and various pebbles and stones to the environment to give it more life.
I adjusted the scale of the things in the enviroment to give them a larger appearance in order to make the environment appear magical like Alice in Wonderland. I was able to construct two realistic-looking environments with high quality assets using my concept sketches and several movie stills as inspiration. By utilising excellent models, I can increase the viewer’s immersion in the scene.