Dev blog for adventures of Clive

introduction to game design
Week 1 1/12/20 - 8/12/20 In this week of the project, I decided to focus on my levels for my game and the character movement and the camera movement. To start off with I took a sprite that I had premade for that character when I was making ideas of what I wanted the game to look like in planning. I added a collider, rigid body and made a script that would allow me to move the character using the W, A, S and D keys and jump using space bar. this script allows me to input the speed, the jump height of the player and the amount of jumps the player can do. I made sure that the player could only jump once after he has touched an object…
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2D level design

2D art for games
This is a level concept that I made for a game I am working on called The adventures of Clive. The levels of the game will be set out quite easily however a unique bit about my game will be the fact that things around you will change so the level will become darker and more scary and then will get back to normal again.
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Design with shapes

2D art for games
This image is work that I made in illustrator made of basic shapes. I used the shapes to create the man in the foreground and then also used different colours in the background to give off depth in the piece of work. I used the basic shape tools that are provided in the software and I also used the ben tool for other segments. To make the mouth I took a black oval and covered it with another oval the same colour as the character.
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Atomic Bomber

2D art for games
For this I wanted to make a poster for a game named Atomic Bomber. To start off I made the text in illustrator. I did this by typing the text and then copying the text and pasting it behind the other text. I then distorted the lines so then I could get a jagged effect onto my text. I also added an atomic symbol as a replacement for the first "o" on the text to give it a better look. To then add the background I applied an old paper texture to the background as I originally wanted a old comic book look to the poster. I then drew using my graphics tablet a mushroom cloud. To give the cloud more depth I copied and pasted the cloud and gave…
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