Major Project Post 5 – Project Management

Our team is attempting to keep open lines of contact. As a team, we believe that if we do not correctly convey our ideas, the end product will fall short of expectations. In this blog, I will go over the many methods that we communicated as a team to ensure that the final result was correct. Group meetings: We had a number of meetings over the course of the project during the original idea development and prototyping stage. Some of these sessions were in person, when we would all sit around a computer brainstorming new ideas with the rest of the team. During these in-person sessions, we would be able to show other people our prototype project and solicit thoughts and suggestions from outside sources for improvements to the game's…
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Major Project Post 4 – Pre-Production/Prototype Work

After deciding what I wanted to do for the main menu, I started working on a rudimentary prototype for the Unreal project. I began with creating the UI components because they are basic and can be simply produced utilising everything that Unreal offers. After the UI elements were constructed, they were placed on the screen, and a 3D environment was made behind the buttons to provide an intriguing aspect so that the player could see something fascinating on the main menu. Following that, I linked the menus to various cameras in the level blueprint. This was done so that they would move based on whatever menu you were viewing (this was done with the help of another member of the team). GIF displaying main menu Level Blueprint Menu Button Blueprint…
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Major Project Post 3 – Idea Development

In this post, I'll present mood boards and character conceptions for the main menu and characters. The first mood board illustrates several kinds of main menus from which I might draw inspiration. I like the concept of having the UI move in the background since it adds depth to the menu and gives the player something to look at. Because the main menu is the first thing the player sees, it is critical to provide first impressions and provide the user with a basic sense of what the game will include. I made concept graphics for how I want the menu to look. I began by creating some placeholder buttons and a character concept. I then constructed a 3D version of this menu to further demonstrate my concept. My secondary…
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Major Project Post 2 – Research

Inspiration: After coming up with our idea of the game we wanted to create, we imminently began coming up with inspirations that have inspired us. The group was highly influenced by several games that shared certain characteristics that we included into our own game. Below is a list of these games, along with the various characteristics and a brief explanation of how they are employed in our game: The Return of the Obra Dinn (Game) The game The Return of the Obra Dinn is a first person non linear game where in 1802 an East India trading ship sails from Falmouth to the Orient with 51 crewmen and 9 passengers. The ship is reported lost after failing to meet her rendezvous at the Cape of Good Hope. The Obra Dinn…
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Major Project Post 1 – Proposal

My role: For my main role for the major project I was tasked with being a UX and UI developer. For this role I was to design a main menu for our game and create UI for all the different elements in our game such as pause menu and dialog boxes. As the UX developer I need to try and make the UI easy to follow and allow the player to not be overwhelmed by the amount of options there is. I was tasked this by my team as I have made main menus before for other projects and I have had some previous experience in that field. For side roles I may take on in the project I am able to do character design and also 3D modeling depending…
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Digital Storytelling- Similar product

Digital Storytelling
While creating research for my animation I looked at other similar products. I did research into small animations that were made inside of unreal engine. The videos that I found I used as inspiration and to help me decide which direction I should take my animation. I also didn’t fully know if it was possible to make an animation inside of unreal engine, so I used them as guidance for my work. In both videos they are shown in a secluded area and all the characters are wearing masks. I used this as an idea of what I wanted to do for my animation and set the location to a small facility and had both the characters wearing helmets so I did not have to worry about facial animation as…
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